fetchfun.com The Millennia 2000 Adventure
Home -> Trip -> Leaving Europe

Our Final European Chapter

After spending seven months in Europe, we knew leaving it wouldn't happen with out a bit of effort. Little did we know what it would require!

Car troubles in Norway kept us wondering where we would finally part ways with our previously reliable camper, Spot. Once safely on the European continent, we high tailed it through Denmark and Germany, stopped briefly in the Netherlands for some fun, then continued thru Belgium to France.

In Paris we managed to sell Spot, mail another voluminous shipment of gear, re-procure seats on the airplane, and travel via the Middle East on to south India.

Whew! After seven months, we had barely touched Europe, missing many countries entirely and short changing others dramatically, but in the end we felt much more comfortable with the issues on Europeans' minds, the cultural differences that distinguish Europe from the US, and how to get around despite knowing only a handful of words.

All in all, it was an amazing time, full of learning, meeting new friends and seeing a beautiful cross section of many cherished and surprisingly well preserved cultures. Europe is the some of its varied cultures, unlike the US which is one national culture with a variety of minor regional variations.

We'll be back certainly as now we're ever more aware of the treasures left to explore!

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